First the father (58) died on a farm in southern Styria, then his son and successor lay dead in bed at the age of just 27.
The Zillertal FPÖ Federal Councillor Christoph Steiner achieved a basic mandate in the National Council elections and is ...
First her husband is gone, then her job and now Simone Lugner (despite having the right of residence) is also worried about ...
The two bank robbers who held up a savings bank in Linz-Urfahr on Monday blamed each other during interrogation, neither of ...
A women's tournament took place on Saturday in the "spiritual center" of tarot. Around 100 women made the pilgrimage to ...
Should the FPÖ be in the next government, this could once again jeopardize cooperation between the intelligence services ...
In der dänischen Hauptstadt Kopenhagen wurden Mittwochfrüh zwei Explosionen vor der israelischen Botschaft gemeldet. Die ...
Erst starb auf einem Hof in der Südsteiermark der Papa (58), dann lag sein Sohn und Nachfolger mit nur 27 Jahren tot im Bett.
Im „geistigen Zentrum“ des Tarocks fand am Samstag ein Damen-Turnier statt. Rund 100 Frauen pilgerten ins Gasthaus Haudum in ...
Wurde Rapid im Conference-League-Spiel gegen Basaksehir um einen Treffer beraubt? Guido Burgstaller jubelte vergeblich – der ...
Was Rapid robbed of a goal in the Conference League match against Basaksehir? Guido Burgstaller cheered in vain - the VAR ...
Several suspicious parcels in Amstetten led to a police operation in the Lower Austrian district town on Wednesday afternoon.